Saturday, 21 September 2013


Dear Parents,


Mathematical learning in young children is strongly connected to sense perception and concrete experience. Children move toward an understanding of symbols, and eventually abstract concepts, only after they have first experienced ideas on a concrete level.

Principles and Standards for School Mathematics (NCTM), 2000) provides guidance and direction for teachers and other leaders in pre-K-2 mathematics education. 
Number and Operation, Algebra, Geometry, Measurement and Data Analysis and Probability are common set of five content standards throughout the grades.
Each of these content standards has its own set of goals that are appropriate for the different grade bands and anticipations of what they children should know. The five contents are relevant across all the grades however there is different prominence and weightage in every grade band.

Children learn in different ways. Through the use of manipulative, various senses are brought into the learning. Allowing a child to touch and move objects to make visual representation of mathematical concepts will helps to enriched his learning. The experienced is more meaningful.

Hands on learning go well beyond simple mathematics and can be applied across the curriculum. When Children  engage in hands-on learning they are building their own knowledge and retaining information.

The kinds of experiences teachers provide for the children play a major role in determining the quality of children’s learning. Children need to be actively engage. Their understanding of the concept or topic will increase if they are actively engaged in tasks and experiences designed to deepen and connect their knowledge of mathematical concepts. The discipline of mind that children develop in math class can carry over into everyday life.