The Rules of of the Salute Game
- 3 players
- Have some numbered cards with digit 0-9
- Player 1 will distribute Player 2 and 3 with their cards.
- Both Player 2 and 3 are not allowed to see the numbers on their cards.
- When player 1 say salute, both player 2 and 3 have to place their
cards on their foreheads.
Player 1 is required to multiply the two numbers together and say it out. both player will have to guess the number on their head.
Doing Division the Right method:
What we initially thought was the right method...
I was taught doing division using this fact i still remember practicing and doing it in school workbook...And when Dr Yeap told us it was the incorrect way in doing the division. I was shocked..I have been doing that for years.
The Correct Method:
This support our discussion on how important it is for teachers to choose appropriate words and terms when teaching math!