Thursday, 24 October 2013

Day 6-Last Day

The Rules of of the Salute Game
  1.  3 players
  2. Have some numbered cards with digit 0-9
  3. Player 1 will distribute Player 2 and 3 with their cards.
  4. Both Player 2 and 3 are not allowed to see the numbers on their cards. 
  5. When player 1 say salute, both player 2 and 3  have to place their cards on their foreheads.
    Player 1 is required to multiply the two numbers together and say it out. both player will have to guess the number on their head. 
 This was indeed a fun game...very challenging ..really have to think fast and act fast!
Doing Division the Right method:

What we initially thought was the right method...

 I was taught doing division using this fact i still remember practicing and doing it in school workbook...And when Dr Yeap told us it was the incorrect way in doing the division. I was shocked..I have been doing that for years.

The Correct Method:

This support our discussion on how important it is for teachers to choose appropriate words and terms when teaching math!

Tangrams and Scaffolding....


How many different sizes of squares can we make with a set of 7 tangrams?
Does the  number of tangrams used determine the size of the tangrams ? More tangrams ..the bigger the square?

We came out with these ....


The purpose of Scaffolding Instruction is to provide children who have learning problems a teacher supported transition from primarily seeing and hearing the teacher demonstrate & model a particular math concept/skill to performing the skill independently.Teacher  should provide additional modeling as needed when children demonstrate non-understanding.We wont want them to keep on practicing the wrong thing...coz practice makes perfect...


Problem 13
I  really enjoyed  exploring  Problem 13 .
First: Think of 2 digits,  only declare the 1st digit .
Next: Place the 2 digits together, and use that number to minus off the sum of the two digits.

Initially i was not able to figure it it out but  I eventually manage to figure out the concepts. 
The answers can be found out through different ways. the simplest would be to multiply the 1st digit with 9!!

 Problem 16:Multiplication
When i was a kid, i was made to memorize the multiplication table.. i remember standing at a corner reading the multiplication aloud to my mum... if you ask me does it helps me with my math? i would say yes somehow it helps me .. but it that the best method..hmm I'm not too sure about that..
Activtty: Multiple sets of 7...

Method 1- doubling certain sets 
 Eg:  2x7= 14 , so 4x7= 14+ 14 = 28

Method 2-  Adding together  2 sets of 7  
Eg: 3x7= 21& 6x7= 42,
  9x7= 21 + 42 =  63

Day 3- More Math Problems and 1st Math Quiz!!

Day 3- More Math Problems and  1st Math Quiz!!

Today we started the class with the 9th Math Problem, which is adding digits 0-9 to  form a 2 digit equation without repeating any digits. 
Can you try to figure out..the biggest equation?
BiGGEST  eQUATION  IS: 73-25= 98

As mentioned ,we had our first math quiz! Thankfully it was that tricky...the first question might be a little tricky but its all about looking out for the pattern

  Highlights of the day form me would be understanding the  meaning of...EnRICHment session and Acceleration Session
Enrichment –> Is to enhance understanding of the topic and  providing  activity that helps to in depth  understanding of the topic  according to child’s abilities
(Reflecting back at  my normal practice, gosh we have been using the wrong terms!)

Acceleration –> is to introduce new concepts and  new contents at a higher level.

How does Children learn to count...

How does Children learn to count?  

In the past Ive came a kids who can count up to 100. However when I asked them to bring me 10 items.They came back with lesser or more than 10 items. How can that be?
Today during class the lecturer shared with us on ...
Pr-requisites to learning how to count
1. Knowing how to classify
2. Knowing how to rote count
3. Understanding 1 to 1 correspondence

These are the require skills they need to have before they learn to count.

10 Frames
 I thought this activity was good! Simple yet interesting. i shared this idea with my colleagues in school. We improvise it by using egg cartons and soya and red beans instead of paper..(sensorial learning just seems to do wonders with children and even adults!) 
most of the kiddos grasp the concept withing minutes..we started with just using 3 carton and some of the advanced kids used up to 8 egg cartons!:)

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Is math Fun? Should it be?

23rd September 2013

I have NEVER like math to begin with…so when I know that that in this Degree course, there was a module on mathematic …i went bonkerz…What Maths module??? I thought we were done with mathematic looong time ago..Argh!!!

However I survived the first class! And not did I survived I truly enjoyed his lesson…stimulating “problems” he had for us to keep our mind thinking. Not soo much mathematical knowledge but these problem gets me to think out of the box… it is not as straight forward..

I especially like the card trick…very fascinating…
one 1 two 2 three 3…..felt  like  magicians.=)